The Army of God showed up committed to move forward - D-Day Gathering · June 4-6 St. Louis (Normandy), Missouri
Dutch Sheets and the U.S. Alliance for Reformation
University of Missouri - St. Louis (Normandy) MO
We called the Allied forces of the Kingdom to come together in St. Louis (Normandy), Missouri on this 65th anniversary of D-Day with the mandate to invade the enemy's territory to free a suffering humanity from the tyranny of death, (Abortion has killed an estimated 50 million babies in America.) from the tyranny of humanism and cultural Christianity (Mankind is not the center of the universe, God is!), and the tyranny of anti-Christ agendas.
Dutch Sheets and the U.S. Alliance for Reformation
University of Missouri - St. Louis (Normandy) MO
We called the Allied forces of the Kingdom to come together in St. Louis (Normandy), Missouri on this 65th anniversary of D-Day with the mandate to invade the enemy's territory to free a suffering humanity from the tyranny of death, (Abortion has killed an estimated 50 million babies in America.) from the tyranny of humanism and cultural Christianity (Mankind is not the center of the universe, God is!), and the tyranny of anti-Christ agendas.