Worldwide network of Shofar Blowers, Prayer Warriors, Dancers and Flag Ministries to praise the Lord and Sound the Alarm for Change, warning everyone to repent and obey the Lord God! Sign up to network together- see Menu bar and click on "JOIN US"
The shofar has wide significance. In the past a shofar has been blown to mark any number of occasions, such as the signing of a peace treaty; it was blown to mark Moses' receiving of the Ten Commandments. Ancient Hebrew armies blew shofars as war horns, and it was shofars--not modern trumpets--whose blast blew down the walls of Jericho before Joshua's conquering forces. Today, in the Jewish tradition, the shofar is blown to mark High Holy Days. In the Christian tradition, the shofar is thought to release the Presence and Voice of God, and is blown during any number of worship services and meetings where God is believed present, and speaking as well as for Repentance, Warfare and Celebration.-
Rev. A Kelly M.DIV
Rev. A Kelly M.DIV
The USA was founded on the Bible ...
Painting The Resurrection
By: Ron DiCianni:
A renowned artist depicts Christianity in murals. For more information about Ron's artwork, go to: .
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"Arise now those being called by Aba Father.
Go with boldness, the fire of the Lord is on you to
do what you are assigned to do!
Apostle Dennis McKirahan

The time has come to sound the Shofars daily, to call for a Holy assembly and a time to repent and be pro-active not just pray. we don't just go to a church service weekly 'WE ARE THE CHURCH" 24/7.
The return of our King is upon us. Prepare yourselves.
Boots on the ground and prayer in the air!
Understanding the Shofar:
a. HOW, WHAT, WHY, WHO, WHERE. and WHEN to Blow the Trumpet (Horn or Shofar)
The word Sho'far is Hebrew and in our modern bibles it is mostly called a trumpet.
The Ram’s Horn Shofar is one of the earliest musical instruments known to man. It is used to usher in the biblical festivals of Israel, including the Sabbath, and to inspire people to mend their lives and repent. It was developed by the early Hebrews and is made from the horn of an animal like a ram, a goat, sheep, or in modern times mostly a Kudu, (Yeminite) from the antelope family.
The Kudu was first used by a tribe of Jews called Yemenites so that is it nickname. The Silver Trumpet or Temple Trumpet is one first used in Numbers 10:10 to call the congregation together and to direct the movement in the camps.
yet another shofar is called a Oryx/Gemsbok from a Gazelle. Also the Sable-Antelope, Ibex and the Eland shofar.
Watch This 13 minute Teaching Video Below:
b. In general there are many sounds made on the shofar.
The sounds can vary and some psalmist play several notes to music, hymns and other songs. Also with much practice some shofarim play two horns at once.
In the Jewish tradition there are four
different sounds made on the Shofar.
Press play button below to listen to all four sounds.
What these different sounds mean:
TE'KI'AH - a long blast with one or two notes. Praise/Worship
SH’VA'RIM - 3 medium blasts, two tones each. Repent /Broken
TE'RU'AH - 9 short, staccato blasts. Warfare & Victory
TE'KI'AH GE'DO'LAH : an extra long single blast.It is the jubilee note extended as long as one can … and represents the great last trumpet sound when the Lord returns as King when we who are saved receive new bodies and we are all healed. Also used to call upon God.
A thanks for his Mercy /Goodness/Redemption.
SH’VA'RIM - 3 medium blasts, two tones each. Repent /Broken
TE'RU'AH - 9 short, staccato blasts. Warfare & Victory
TE'KI'AH GE'DO'LAH : an extra long single blast.It is the jubilee note extended as long as one can … and represents the great last trumpet sound when the Lord returns as King when we who are saved receive new bodies and we are all healed. Also used to call upon God.
A thanks for his Mercy /Goodness/Redemption.
SHOFAR CALL INTERNATIONAL Team of 77, is who you hear below. There where all scattered around the arena. led by Dennis McKirahan
SHOFAR CALL INTERNATIONAL Team of 77, is who you hear below. There where all scattered around the arena. led by Dennis McKirahan
In these last days there is a growing interest worldwide in the use and sounds of the Shofar. The word trumpet(s) is mentioned over 70 times in the bible.
c. Why Blow the Shofar ?
1.Call to Worship- Hebrew>Tekiah
2. Repentance & Brokenness- Shvarim
3. Warfare & Celebration - Teruah
4. Healing - the rapture - Tekiah Gedolah
2. Repentance & Brokenness- Shvarim
3. Warfare & Celebration - Teruah
4. Healing - the rapture - Tekiah Gedolah
PSALM 150:3…”Praise him with the “BLAST” of the “SHOFAR”. The Shofar was the first musical instrument mentioned in this psalm of David. The Shofar is always associated with a powerful move of God.(WORSHIP)
ISAIAH 58:1; Hosea 8:1; Joel 2:1… Repentance - a broken, moaning, and crying sound, signifying that we are broken before the Lord.(REPENTANCE)
GIDEON…brought such complete confusion to the camp of the enemy (the Midianites) with the sounding of 300 SHOFARS that they began to kill one another in their retreat from 300 of Gideon’s men armed with only a Shofar, a torch and a clay pitcher. (WARFARE) Judges 7:15-22
JOSHUA…with the shout and the blowing of the Shofars caused the 25- foot thick, heavily fortified walls of the ancient city of Jericho to crumble and fall to the ground like dust. (WARFARE) Joshua 6
The Shofar is a voice as of God. Exodus 19:19, Rev. 1:10; 4:1
In the tradition of early Judaism: when a bridegroom went to claim his bride, the attendants would announce the coming of the bridegroom with the blowing of the Shofar and a proclamation, “Behold the Bridegroom cometh”. This happens again at the return of Christ, Our Bridegroom. (The Ultimate Healing)
BABYLONIAN TALMUD (Tractate Rosh Ha-Shana, 16b)…Rabbi Isaac says “If the Shofar is not sounded at the beginning of the New Year, evil will befall at the end of it. Why so? Because the “Accuser” (Satan) has not been confused…”
ISAIAH 58:1; Hosea 8:1; Joel 2:1… Repentance - a broken, moaning, and crying sound, signifying that we are broken before the Lord.(REPENTANCE)
GIDEON…brought such complete confusion to the camp of the enemy (the Midianites) with the sounding of 300 SHOFARS that they began to kill one another in their retreat from 300 of Gideon’s men armed with only a Shofar, a torch and a clay pitcher. (WARFARE) Judges 7:15-22
JOSHUA…with the shout and the blowing of the Shofars caused the 25- foot thick, heavily fortified walls of the ancient city of Jericho to crumble and fall to the ground like dust. (WARFARE) Joshua 6
The Shofar is a voice as of God. Exodus 19:19, Rev. 1:10; 4:1
In the tradition of early Judaism: when a bridegroom went to claim his bride, the attendants would announce the coming of the bridegroom with the blowing of the Shofar and a proclamation, “Behold the Bridegroom cometh”. This happens again at the return of Christ, Our Bridegroom. (The Ultimate Healing)
BABYLONIAN TALMUD (Tractate Rosh Ha-Shana, 16b)…Rabbi Isaac says “If the Shofar is not sounded at the beginning of the New Year, evil will befall at the end of it. Why so? Because the “Accuser” (Satan) has not been confused…”
d. Who blows the shofar?
Does God?…Exodus 19:16-19
Do Angels?…Matthew 24:31
Do Priests?…Numbers 10:8 “
Who are Priests now?…We are. 1 Peter 2:9
What effect does the blowing of The Shofar
have on the enemy?…Judges 7:20-22
Does Jesus?…1 Thessalonians 4:16
The Priests shall blow the trumpets for an ordinance forever”
Do Angels?…Matthew 24:31
Do Priests?…Numbers 10:8 “
Who are Priests now?…We are. 1 Peter 2:9
What effect does the blowing of The Shofar
have on the enemy?…Judges 7:20-22
Does Jesus?…1 Thessalonians 4:16
The Priests shall blow the trumpets for an ordinance forever”
When do you blow the shofar?
e. Uses of Shofar in the Bible
The references to shofars,(Hebrew for trumpets, rams’ horns, coronets, etc.) are extensive and prominent throughout the Bible and God’s dealings with His people. There are over 70 verses in the Bible.
Here are some of them:
1) The ram's horn, the shofar, is a reminder of Abraham's sacrifice of Isaac and God's provision of a ram as a substitute. Genesis 22:13
2) The LAW (Torah) was given to Israel with the sound of the shofar from heaven. Exodus 19:19
3)a The Shofar was blown at the start of the year on Yom Teruah. (Rosh Hashanah) (Feast of Trumpets) 1st day of the 7th month. Leviticus 23:24
3)b The Shofar Sounds again on Jubilee year which is the 10th day of the 7th month through out the land. Leviticus 25:9-10
4) The trumpet was blown to announce the beginning of the festivals. Numbers 10:10
5) Israel won the battle of Jericho with the blast of the Shofar. Joshua 6:20
6) Gideon and his army confused and scattered the enemy with the shofar. Judges 7:15-22
7) The shofar was blown to signal the assembly of the Israelites during war. Judges 3:27, 6:34,
II Samuel 20:1, Jer. 4:19, 51:27, Neh. 4:20, Amos 3:6
8) Seven shofars were blown before the ark of God. 1Chr. 15:24, 2Sam. 6:15
9) They took an oath before the Lord…..with trumpets and rams’ horns.
2 Chr. 5:14
10) The shofar was used for the coronation of kings. I.e. King Solomon.
I Kings 1:34, 39
11) The shofar is a reminder that God is sovereign. Psalm 47:5
12) The shofar was blown to celebrate the new moon each month. Psalm 81:1-3
13) The shofar was used to accompany other musical instruments during temple ceremonies in Jerusalem and in praise and worship. Psalm 98:6, 150:3-6
14) The shofar will be blown at the time of the in-gathering of the exiles to Israel. Isaiah 27: 13
15) The blowing of the shofar is a signal for the call to repentance. Isaiah 58:1, Hosea 8:1
16) Blown as a warning. Ezekiel 33:3-6, Numbers 10:9, Isaiah 18:3
17) The blowing of the shofar ushers in the day of the Lord. Joel 2:1
18) The shofar is blown to call the sacred assembly. Numbers 10:3, Joel2:15
19) Israel will be advised of the advent of the Messiah with the sound of the shofar. Zechariah 9:14, 16
20) The shofar is sounded at the resurrection of the dead. I Thess. 4:16
21) The shofar (trumpet) is the sound of YHVH’s voice. Rev 1:10
22) John was taken up to Heaven in the Book of Revelation by the sound of the shofar. Revelation 4:1
23) Seven trumpets (shofars) are sounded when God judges the earth during the tribulation. Revelation 8:9 Judaism concerns itself with the "three trumps". They are called the first trump, the last trump and the great trump.
The first trump was blown at Mount Sinai. The last trump is blown to signify the resurrection of the dead and may be blown on Rosh HaShanah. The great trump will signify the Second Coming of Yeshua and is blown at Yom Kippur.
According to other scholars, there are only two trumps, the first at Mount Sinai (Ex 19:19) and the last (great) that is blown by YHVH (Yeshua) Himself at His return on Yom Kippur. (Isaiah 27:13, Zech. 9:14,
Matt. 24:29-3I, 1st Thess. 4:16-17, 1st Cor. 15:52).
This instrument of warfare will help you and your church to SOUND THE ALARM. Joel 2:1-28
The references to shofars,(Hebrew for trumpets, rams’ horns, coronets, etc.) are extensive and prominent throughout the Bible and God’s dealings with His people. There are over 70 verses in the Bible.
Here are some of them:
1) The ram's horn, the shofar, is a reminder of Abraham's sacrifice of Isaac and God's provision of a ram as a substitute. Genesis 22:13
2) The LAW (Torah) was given to Israel with the sound of the shofar from heaven. Exodus 19:19
3)a The Shofar was blown at the start of the year on Yom Teruah. (Rosh Hashanah) (Feast of Trumpets) 1st day of the 7th month. Leviticus 23:24
3)b The Shofar Sounds again on Jubilee year which is the 10th day of the 7th month through out the land. Leviticus 25:9-10
4) The trumpet was blown to announce the beginning of the festivals. Numbers 10:10
5) Israel won the battle of Jericho with the blast of the Shofar. Joshua 6:20
6) Gideon and his army confused and scattered the enemy with the shofar. Judges 7:15-22
7) The shofar was blown to signal the assembly of the Israelites during war. Judges 3:27, 6:34,
II Samuel 20:1, Jer. 4:19, 51:27, Neh. 4:20, Amos 3:6
8) Seven shofars were blown before the ark of God. 1Chr. 15:24, 2Sam. 6:15
9) They took an oath before the Lord…..with trumpets and rams’ horns.
2 Chr. 5:14
10) The shofar was used for the coronation of kings. I.e. King Solomon.
I Kings 1:34, 39
11) The shofar is a reminder that God is sovereign. Psalm 47:5
12) The shofar was blown to celebrate the new moon each month. Psalm 81:1-3
13) The shofar was used to accompany other musical instruments during temple ceremonies in Jerusalem and in praise and worship. Psalm 98:6, 150:3-6
14) The shofar will be blown at the time of the in-gathering of the exiles to Israel. Isaiah 27: 13
15) The blowing of the shofar is a signal for the call to repentance. Isaiah 58:1, Hosea 8:1
16) Blown as a warning. Ezekiel 33:3-6, Numbers 10:9, Isaiah 18:3
17) The blowing of the shofar ushers in the day of the Lord. Joel 2:1
18) The shofar is blown to call the sacred assembly. Numbers 10:3, Joel2:15
19) Israel will be advised of the advent of the Messiah with the sound of the shofar. Zechariah 9:14, 16
20) The shofar is sounded at the resurrection of the dead. I Thess. 4:16
21) The shofar (trumpet) is the sound of YHVH’s voice. Rev 1:10
22) John was taken up to Heaven in the Book of Revelation by the sound of the shofar. Revelation 4:1
23) Seven trumpets (shofars) are sounded when God judges the earth during the tribulation. Revelation 8:9 Judaism concerns itself with the "three trumps". They are called the first trump, the last trump and the great trump.
The first trump was blown at Mount Sinai. The last trump is blown to signify the resurrection of the dead and may be blown on Rosh HaShanah. The great trump will signify the Second Coming of Yeshua and is blown at Yom Kippur.
According to other scholars, there are only two trumps, the first at Mount Sinai (Ex 19:19) and the last (great) that is blown by YHVH (Yeshua) Himself at His return on Yom Kippur. (Isaiah 27:13, Zech. 9:14,
Matt. 24:29-3I, 1st Thess. 4:16-17, 1st Cor. 15:52).
This instrument of warfare will help you and your church to SOUND THE ALARM. Joel 2:1-28
f. Four important things to know about the SHO'FAR/ trumpet. copied by: Mr. Shofar
1. Not only on Elul and Tishrei
Most of us are used to hearing the shofar during the months of Elul and Tishrei only, when in fact, in the past; the use of the shofar was far more commonplace. Shofars were blown to assemble crowds and to call the people to wage wars (and to terrorize the enemy on the way), to publicize bans or permits or by the court of justice in order to announce the sanctification of the new month. In addition, shofars were blown during public fast days, in cases of drought, in funerals and so forth. In the days of old, prior to the beginning of Shabbat they would blow six blasts - each one in order to signal to the different kinds of laborers (such as field workers, shopkeepers, artists etc.) that they should stop working in anticipation of the Shabbat.
2. Why on Rosh Hashanah?
Rabbi Saadia Gaon noted ten reasons which explain why we blow the shofar on Rosh Hashanah. Succinctly explained: This is the day in which God is crowned King of the World, and by blowing the shofar we crown God as such. It is a call to repentance, a reminder of the revelation at Mount Sinai [where we accepted the Torah] about which it is said, "and the sound of the shofar continually increased and was very strong". The Shofar reminds us of the admonitions of the prophets, as in Ezekiel 33, "When I bring the sword [of war] upon the land … a sentinel blows the shofar and warns the people". Blowing the shofar serves as reminder for the destruction of the Holy Temple. It reminds us of the binding of Isaac. The sound of the shofar inspires fear and trembling in our souls. The Shofar reminds us of the great and awesome Day of Judgment, and to anticipate it with fear. It makes us yearn for the ingathering of the exiles, as said in Isaiah 27, "And it will be on that day, a great shofar will be blown, and those who are lost in the land of Assyria and those cast away … will come [together]". The shofar recalls the resurrection of the dead, which will be accompanied by the sounding of a shofar, as it is said in Isaiah 18 "All inhabitants of the world and dwellers of the earth – you will see when the banner is hoisted up upon the mountains, and when the shofar sounds, you will hear [it]". The Midrash (Vayikra Rabbah 29) explains the source of the name [shofar] "Blow the shofar at the moon's renewal, - Renew your actions - Shofar – [has same root as the word 'improve' in Hebrew]-improve your actions."
Tractate Rosh Hashanah explains an additional reason; "and you shall say before Me on Rosh Hashanah 'Kingship', 'Remembrance' and 'Shofar' prayers. 'Kingship' prayers for crowning Me King upon you; 'Remembrance' prayers so I will recall you with a favorable memory, and how [do you bring this about]? By [blowing] the shofar. Why do we blow the different sounds while seated and again while standing? In order to confuse Satan. How is Satan confused? Rashi explains "to confuse him means that he will not accuse [us]. When the people of Israel hears the sounds of the shofar, the people Israel cherishes [all] the commandments – leaving Satan with nothing to say."
3. Not every horn is a shofar
A shofar is a musical instrument made from a hollowed out animal horn, e.g. from rams (male sheep) or antelopes. Not only from these two animals we can make kosher shofars, actually from any other animal which has horns. Shofars made from bull horns or from animals with solid-bone horns (not hollow) are not used (although in theory it would be possible to process them into shofars). Only horns that naturally resemble a tube are fit to be called a shofar in the first place.
4. Not all shofars are kosher
Every year tens of thousands of raw, unprocessed horns are imported into Israel, but most of them, around 70% - become disqualified for various reasons: cracks, fractures or decay. The remaining 30% of the horns that do pass the initial screening are processed, cleaned and polished. Professional artisans separate the hard coat form the inner bone - a procedure prompt to break the horn, so this requires special care. After the separation process is finished the horn is checked again, lest a hole or a crack appeared.
1. Not only on Elul and Tishrei
Most of us are used to hearing the shofar during the months of Elul and Tishrei only, when in fact, in the past; the use of the shofar was far more commonplace. Shofars were blown to assemble crowds and to call the people to wage wars (and to terrorize the enemy on the way), to publicize bans or permits or by the court of justice in order to announce the sanctification of the new month. In addition, shofars were blown during public fast days, in cases of drought, in funerals and so forth. In the days of old, prior to the beginning of Shabbat they would blow six blasts - each one in order to signal to the different kinds of laborers (such as field workers, shopkeepers, artists etc.) that they should stop working in anticipation of the Shabbat.
2. Why on Rosh Hashanah?
Rabbi Saadia Gaon noted ten reasons which explain why we blow the shofar on Rosh Hashanah. Succinctly explained: This is the day in which God is crowned King of the World, and by blowing the shofar we crown God as such. It is a call to repentance, a reminder of the revelation at Mount Sinai [where we accepted the Torah] about which it is said, "and the sound of the shofar continually increased and was very strong". The Shofar reminds us of the admonitions of the prophets, as in Ezekiel 33, "When I bring the sword [of war] upon the land … a sentinel blows the shofar and warns the people". Blowing the shofar serves as reminder for the destruction of the Holy Temple. It reminds us of the binding of Isaac. The sound of the shofar inspires fear and trembling in our souls. The Shofar reminds us of the great and awesome Day of Judgment, and to anticipate it with fear. It makes us yearn for the ingathering of the exiles, as said in Isaiah 27, "And it will be on that day, a great shofar will be blown, and those who are lost in the land of Assyria and those cast away … will come [together]". The shofar recalls the resurrection of the dead, which will be accompanied by the sounding of a shofar, as it is said in Isaiah 18 "All inhabitants of the world and dwellers of the earth – you will see when the banner is hoisted up upon the mountains, and when the shofar sounds, you will hear [it]". The Midrash (Vayikra Rabbah 29) explains the source of the name [shofar] "Blow the shofar at the moon's renewal, - Renew your actions - Shofar – [has same root as the word 'improve' in Hebrew]-improve your actions."
Tractate Rosh Hashanah explains an additional reason; "and you shall say before Me on Rosh Hashanah 'Kingship', 'Remembrance' and 'Shofar' prayers. 'Kingship' prayers for crowning Me King upon you; 'Remembrance' prayers so I will recall you with a favorable memory, and how [do you bring this about]? By [blowing] the shofar. Why do we blow the different sounds while seated and again while standing? In order to confuse Satan. How is Satan confused? Rashi explains "to confuse him means that he will not accuse [us]. When the people of Israel hears the sounds of the shofar, the people Israel cherishes [all] the commandments – leaving Satan with nothing to say."
3. Not every horn is a shofar
A shofar is a musical instrument made from a hollowed out animal horn, e.g. from rams (male sheep) or antelopes. Not only from these two animals we can make kosher shofars, actually from any other animal which has horns. Shofars made from bull horns or from animals with solid-bone horns (not hollow) are not used (although in theory it would be possible to process them into shofars). Only horns that naturally resemble a tube are fit to be called a shofar in the first place.
4. Not all shofars are kosher
Every year tens of thousands of raw, unprocessed horns are imported into Israel, but most of them, around 70% - become disqualified for various reasons: cracks, fractures or decay. The remaining 30% of the horns that do pass the initial screening are processed, cleaned and polished. Professional artisans separate the hard coat form the inner bone - a procedure prompt to break the horn, so this requires special care. After the separation process is finished the horn is checked again, lest a hole or a crack appeared.
g. Guidelines for sounding the Shofar for the Sick.
Sounding the shofar is effective even if you just blow air through it But always keep the sound low so not to upset anyone. If someone does not want to hear the shofar, don't blow it. Ask if you may pray with them, bless them and be on your way. always keep visit short 5 or 10 minutes tops.
Be respectful of family and others you are visiting and heed there wishes. If in a hospital or nursing center check in with the office before going to the person's room.
h. CLEANING A SHOFAR - 5 different ways
The reason that most shofars smell bad is that when they are clean at the factory they cannot remove all residues from the inside. This residue is sinew and flesh that is clinging in crevices and the smell is it decaying.
A. The simplest method is to brush out whatever residue can be seen (and smelled!) in the shofar. Pour enough hydrogen peroxide to fill half the horn with the mouthpiece plugged. Swirl it back and forth until the residue is bubbled out (like disinfecting a wound). Pour out the liquid and repeat. Eventually no more residues will come out. Now, swab out the horn with a rag tied to a piece of wire, like coat hanger.
B. Another method of cleaning was demonstrated on a video by Dick Reuben.
Step 1. Buy a “nerf” ball (soft and pliable), an ear plug (the squeeze and insert type available at most drug stores), some fish tank gravel (not sand and not very big) and some alcohol.
Step 2. Plug the mouthpiece with the earplug. Pour in enough gravel that it can be shaken easily. Plug the bell end with the nerf ball.
Step 3. Shake it hard! for about 15 minutes.
Step 4. Pull out the nerf ball and empty out the gravel. Pour about a cup of alcohol in and replace the ball. Shake for about a minute.
Step 5. Pull out the ball. Pour out the alcohol. Remove the earplug. Let it dry.
The alcohol should dry quickly. It should eliminate the smell and disinfect the horn. DO NOT let any liquid stay in too long. If necessary use a mild bleach solution but realize it will take a few days for the chlorine smell to dissipate. You could also use witch hazel with spearmint but use it sparingly. Stubborn smells can also be eliminated with odor neutralizers.
When the horn is clean, anoint the bell end with some anointing oil that has frankincense and myrrh. Put some up the mouthpiece channel with a trumpet valve brush (purchased at a music store). It will be the soft bones of the neck part of the horn that will begin to stink again as you blow moisture back into it as you sound the horn. The myrrh will seal the bone and stop the odor. Remember, myrrh is what they anointed dead bodies with! It doesn’t hurt to ask YHVH to bless the horn and your efforts to glorify Him at the same time.
C. A great method that has worked well is to use "Oxi-clean" or a similar product
Fill the horn half full of hot, but not boiling water. (Use some boiling water and create a volcano!) Put in the scoop of product and then shake the horn with both ends plugged or capped (corks or balloons with rubber bands, etc.) or a while. Fill it all the way with water and let it sit for an hour.
When you pour out the water you will notice all sorts of discolored junk pouring out. Take a cloth on a wire hanger and swab the inside out of all loosened material. Rinse with boiling water and let dry. You may have to repeat the process.
D. Finally, if you have access to an ozone producing machine, you can put the horn with the bell up against the outlet and let it deodorize overnight. Some commercial models will do it in an hour.
E. You can also carefully spray a coat of polyurethane inside about four inches up in the end you blow into as well as the bell.
Caring for Shofar: Regularly use oil on your horns. Inside and outside to keep them from drying out.
We refer lemon oil. Also olive oil and any anointing oils are fine.
The reason that most shofars smell bad is that when they are clean at the factory they cannot remove all residues from the inside. This residue is sinew and flesh that is clinging in crevices and the smell is it decaying.
A. The simplest method is to brush out whatever residue can be seen (and smelled!) in the shofar. Pour enough hydrogen peroxide to fill half the horn with the mouthpiece plugged. Swirl it back and forth until the residue is bubbled out (like disinfecting a wound). Pour out the liquid and repeat. Eventually no more residues will come out. Now, swab out the horn with a rag tied to a piece of wire, like coat hanger.
B. Another method of cleaning was demonstrated on a video by Dick Reuben.
Step 1. Buy a “nerf” ball (soft and pliable), an ear plug (the squeeze and insert type available at most drug stores), some fish tank gravel (not sand and not very big) and some alcohol.
Step 2. Plug the mouthpiece with the earplug. Pour in enough gravel that it can be shaken easily. Plug the bell end with the nerf ball.
Step 3. Shake it hard! for about 15 minutes.
Step 4. Pull out the nerf ball and empty out the gravel. Pour about a cup of alcohol in and replace the ball. Shake for about a minute.
Step 5. Pull out the ball. Pour out the alcohol. Remove the earplug. Let it dry.
The alcohol should dry quickly. It should eliminate the smell and disinfect the horn. DO NOT let any liquid stay in too long. If necessary use a mild bleach solution but realize it will take a few days for the chlorine smell to dissipate. You could also use witch hazel with spearmint but use it sparingly. Stubborn smells can also be eliminated with odor neutralizers.
When the horn is clean, anoint the bell end with some anointing oil that has frankincense and myrrh. Put some up the mouthpiece channel with a trumpet valve brush (purchased at a music store). It will be the soft bones of the neck part of the horn that will begin to stink again as you blow moisture back into it as you sound the horn. The myrrh will seal the bone and stop the odor. Remember, myrrh is what they anointed dead bodies with! It doesn’t hurt to ask YHVH to bless the horn and your efforts to glorify Him at the same time.
C. A great method that has worked well is to use "Oxi-clean" or a similar product
Fill the horn half full of hot, but not boiling water. (Use some boiling water and create a volcano!) Put in the scoop of product and then shake the horn with both ends plugged or capped (corks or balloons with rubber bands, etc.) or a while. Fill it all the way with water and let it sit for an hour.
When you pour out the water you will notice all sorts of discolored junk pouring out. Take a cloth on a wire hanger and swab the inside out of all loosened material. Rinse with boiling water and let dry. You may have to repeat the process.
D. Finally, if you have access to an ozone producing machine, you can put the horn with the bell up against the outlet and let it deodorize overnight. Some commercial models will do it in an hour.
E. You can also carefully spray a coat of polyurethane inside about four inches up in the end you blow into as well as the bell.
Caring for Shofar: Regularly use oil on your horns. Inside and outside to keep them from drying out.
We refer lemon oil. Also olive oil and any anointing oils are fine.
1. Why Blow the Shofar- 1/2 sheet
2. Types of Shofars
3. Retail Prices Flyer
4. SCI Leadership Application & Qualifications
- Click on files below:
1. Why Blow the Shofar- 1/2 sheet
2. Types of Shofars
3. Retail Prices Flyer
4. SCI Leadership Application & Qualifications
- Click on files below:

why_blow_shofar_half_sheet_sci_updated_7-24-15.pdf | |
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shofar_types_and_names.pdf | |
File Size: | 159 kb |
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sci_prices_-_flyer_retail_as_3-10-2018.pdf | |
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why_blow_shofar_half_sheet_sci_updated_7-24-15.doc | |
File Size: | 216 kb |
File Type: | doc |
Below is 9 min. video on some history of the blowing of the shofar...
Below is 9 min. video on some history of the blowing of the shofar...
Below SHOFAR TEACHING aired 6/27/12
on Messianic Lifestyle Radio
Dennis McKirahan of Shofar Call International
Mentored by Dick Reuben
Teaching the details about how, why, when, where, what and the who regarding the meanings of the shofar.
Dennis McKirahan (aka Mr. Shofar) answers these questions clearly and plainly. We are treated to the exciting experience of hearing the sounds of the shofar, from the ram’s horn, the Kudo (long curled horn), the Gemsbok (long straight horn) and the silver trumpet. Dennis presents these sounds to us so we know the voice of our Shepherd and soon coming Messiah. The start of the show is a unique moment when Dennis blows the shofar as a call to unity; for at that moment the live show coincided with 8:00 pm Israeli time which is the time established by Shofar Call International as a moment for people worldwide to call out to HaShem in prayer and unity – all at the same time!! Check out for more information about this and the teachings of the shofar and much more.
Names we are called or assocated with the Mighty Shofar: Shofar Army, The Shofar Call, Shofar Call Ministry, Inc, Call of the Shofar, Shofar Sounders, Mr. Shofar, the Shofar man, Shofarmen, Mr. Shofar, Shofar So Great, Shofar Shop, Shofar Men, shofar teaching. Tallit Team, Ram's Horn Shofars, Shofar Sounds, how to blow trumpet, how to blow shofar, Shofars 7-7-07, Israel Shofar, Shofar Ministries, Gideon's Army, Call of the Shofar Blowers, Sounds of, shofar sales, How to blow shofar and Holy Land Gifts.
Names we are called or assocated with the Mighty Shofar: Shofar Army, The Shofar Call, Shofar Call Ministry, Inc, Call of the Shofar, Shofar Sounders, Mr. Shofar, the Shofar man, Shofarmen, Mr. Shofar, Shofar So Great, Shofar Shop, Shofar Men, shofar teaching. Tallit Team, Ram's Horn Shofars, Shofar Sounds, how to blow trumpet, how to blow shofar, Shofars 7-7-07, Israel Shofar, Shofar Ministries, Gideon's Army, Call of the Shofar Blowers, Sounds of, shofar sales, How to blow shofar and Holy Land Gifts.

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At your finger tips! RESOURCES:
Click Here to Order Shofars & Gifts from us for great savings
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WHY USE FLAGS - By Carol DeSutter See Video below:

Click on Flag to see it enlarged.
I pledge allegiance to the Christian Flag
of the United States of America,
And to our LORD, who made her great
and free. I unify with all Christians to protect and proclaim the truth and
liberty of God.
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Click on Flag to see it enlarged.
I pledge allegiance to the Christian Flag
of the United States of America,
And to our LORD, who made her great
and free. I unify with all Christians to protect and proclaim the truth and
liberty of God.
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The founder and international director of Shofar Call International, Pastor Dennis McKirahan, on 11-10-2015 was appointed,
to Ohio Director
of The United States National Prayer Council, the Largest Network of Prayer Ministry Leaders in America.
*As of August 2016 Dennis is now the Global Director for USNPC SHOFAR PRAY MINISTRY.
*As of April 1, 2017 Pastor Dennis McKirahan is a Staff Member of United States National Prayer Council.
Hear the word of the Lord
released at Glory of Zion.
Prophecy given on: September 07, 2013 in Corinth, TX
by Chuck Pierce.
Hear the clock ticking, for the Lord says I
have now catapulted you into the three years ahead. And this day the dearest of My Months I say to You I am moving you against gates that have never been moved before. And I am causing those gates that have withstood you in the past to have to come loose so they open in days ahead! I say to you move strategically day by day and month by month until the gate that has held back your blessing opens up.