Worldwide network of Shofar Blowers, Prayer Warriors, Dancers and Flag Ministries to praise the Lord and Sound the Alarm for Change, warning everyone to repent and obey the Lord God! Sign up to network together- see Menu bar and click on "JOIN US"
The shofar has wide significance. In the past a shofar has been blown to mark any number of occasions, such as the signing of a peace treaty; it was blown to mark Moses' receiving of the Ten Commandments. Ancient Hebrew armies blew shofars as war horns, and it was shofars--not modern trumpets--whose blast blew down the walls of Jericho before Joshua's conquering forces. Today, in the Jewish tradition, the shofar is blown to mark High Holy Days. In the Christian tradition, the shofar is thought to release the Presence and Voice of God, and is blown during any number of worship services and meetings where God is believed present, and speaking as well as for Repentance, Warfare and Celebration.-
Rev. A Kelly M.DIV
Rev. A Kelly M.DIV
The USA was founded on the Bible ...
Painting The Resurrection
By: Ron DiCianni:
A renowned artist depicts Christianity in murals. For more information about Ron's artwork, go to: .
Or Click Here>
"Arise now those being called by Aba Father.
Go with boldness, the fire of the Lord is on you to
do what you are assigned to do!
Apostle Dennis McKirahan

Happy New year -
Sound Shofars for Victory
2025 / 5785
SOUND OF WORSHIP SATURDAY, JANUARY 4TH 2025 6 Hours of Praise & worship Tinley Park Convention Center 1. 1030am til11:30 am Shofar Teaching & Shofar Store open 2. 12noon til 6pm Event Starts with Shofar Team opening. 3. 6:20pm Dinner for those signed up on website. 4. ShofarCall Store open and Class on how to Blow shofar. Calling Shofarim: To blow shofar to open these events sign up HERE - EVENTS - REGISTRATION - Shofar Call International |
EVERYDAY... JOIN US AS WE PRAY 8 PM ISRAEL TIME.* USA: 10 am PT, 11 am MT, 12 pm CT, 1 pm ET *For your Time Zone Click Here > WORLD TIME CLOCK< or Click Here for WORLD TIME MAP WE SEND FORTH A SHOFAR BLAST & PRAYERS ALL AT THE SAME TIME WORLDWIDE! * In your own city, pray and blow your shofar for the World to turn to Jehovah - God and repent of all sin. Joel 2: 1-16 (We started this January 1, 2009) "I have posted watchmen on your walls, O Jerusalem; they will never be silent day or night. You who call on the LORD, give yourselves no rest, and give Him no rest till He establishes Jerusalem and makes her the praise of the earth. Nehemiah 4:20 says: When you hear the sound of the Shofar (Trumpet), rally us there, Our God will fight for us. PAST EVENTS:
CHURCH ON FIRE CONFERENCE July 27-28-29, 2023 The Cross Church Decatur, IL. Shofar Leader Mr. Shofar of Shofar call International MARCH FOR JESUS across America * June 4, 2022 Saturday events at different times see website for more details *************** * Most leaders want Shofars to open so please just ask them ahead of time *************** NATIONAL DAY OF PRAYER * May 5, 2022 Thursday SEE: *Most local Leaders will allow you to blow shofar to open event if you ask them ahead of time. Nov. 30, Dec.1 & 2 2021 NATIONAL DAY OF REPENTANCE Tuesday Nov 30, 1pm sharp: WE OPEN BLOWING SHOFARS & CRYING OUT FOR REPENTANCE TO EACH OF US, OUR CHURCHES, CITIES, STATES, NATION AND WORLD SEE ONLINE at: Nov. 11, Simulcast Line in the sand - at Plymouth Rock. Oct. 10, 2020 coronation of the king Washington DC Mall from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. shofar blowers welcome. Sept 26, 2020 Mr.Shofar & team will be opening The Return at OHIO STATE CAPITOL 10am -3pm Sept. 18, 2020 Feast of Trumpets/Shofars Everywhere - every town. We will be at Heritage Fellowship 7:14 pm 7216 US-42, Florence, Ky Sept. 11 & 12 Patriot's Day to Remember and Pray walks & Jesus Prayer March Across USA June 20, 2020 Ignite California at Azusa Pacific Univ. April 11, 2020 Galilee Awakening Israeli |
This movie came out Oct. 4, 2018 at local theaters..
SHAKING THE NATIONS Sound the Alarm!....
Video above about our Shofar Team.
Allan Parker of the Justice Foundation and Dennis "Mr. Shofar" McKirahan. Taken in Jerusalem, Israel Oct 18, 2013
Allan Parker of the Justice Foundation and Dennis "Mr. Shofar" McKirahan. Taken in Jerusalem, Israel Oct 18, 2013
.See: Joel 2 * Nehemiah 4:20 it says where you hear the sound of the trumpet gather the people there and I will fight for you says the Lord.Also in Exodus 19 it says God blew the shofar before he gave the law that is the first time it has ever mentioned, but by the time we get to Revelation the last book of the new testament it is mentioned over 77 times.* Finally in Numbers 10:8 the Bible says it is to be blown for ever for an ordinance or remembrance of God which would include calling us together for warning, for praise and worship, to anoint kings and leaders like even when special people come to our nation they celebrate by walking down a red carpet while the trumpets are all blown, The trumpets are blown to call us to battle and finally a call in the Rapture when the Lord returns for believers. Give us your comments ok?Is there any time when we are told not to blow the trumpets? Last see Psalm 150. Just do it .. Yahwah .. not your way! OK?
see: written: February 4, 2016 Dennis McKirahan, Apostle of Shofar Call International and Ohio Director of U.S. National Prayer Council W H A T.. A R E .. T|H E .. G A T E S .. O F .. E N T R Y .. I N T O .. O U R .. C I T Y ? .... 1. Airways 2. ROADS, 3. WATERWAYS 4. RAILWAYS 5. MEDIA 6. Schools
A L L .. A R E ..W A Y S .. DR U G S .. P O R N .. A N D .. I M M O R A L .. P E O P L E and T H I N G S.. GET IN OUR CITY. Schedule a time to HEAR HOW WE CAN STOP IT AND TAKE BACK OUR CITIES FOR JESUS! Apostle Dennis McKirahan NEWS YOU CAN TRUST TO STAY INFORMED... Just Click on links below : * www.World * * * * * EVERYDAY... JOIN US AS WE PRAY 8 PM ISRAEL TIME.* USA: 10 am PT, 11 am MT, 12 pm CT, 1 pm ET *For your Time Zone Click Here > WORLD TIME CLOCK< or Click Here for WORLD TIME MAP WE SEND FORTH A SHOFAR BLAST & PRAYERS ALL AT THE SAME TIME WORLDWIDE! * In your own city, pray and blow your shofar for the World to turn to Jehovah - God and repent of all sin. Joel 2: 1-16 (We started this January 1, 2009) "I have posted watchmen on your walls, O Jerusalem; they will never be silent day or night. You who call on the LORD, give yourselves no rest, and give Him no rest till He establishes Jerusalem and makes her the praise of the earth. Nehemiah 4:20 says: When you hear the sound of the Shofar (Trumpet), rally us there, Our God will fight for us. By Dennis McKirahan | Published: July 1, 2011 for Call 2 Fall (Tony Perkins)
WE SELL SHOFARS To your door in USA... within 2 to 5 days. Click here to shop: .......................... |
13 Minute teaching video clip above.
Men 4 Nations - Men, God speaks clearly to all of us! The same charge that He gave to the men of Israel….HE GIVES TO EACH OF US! - Isaiah 62:6-7 - On your walls, O Jerusalem, I have appointed watchmen; All day and all night. see:
Men for Nations is located on Capitol Hill in Washington DC. Founded by Richard Simmons in 1970.

>Shofar Call Store<
Click Here to Order Shofars & Gifts from us for great savings
& value.
At your finger tips! RESOURCES:
Click Here to Order Shofars & Gifts from us for great savings
& value.
At your finger tips! RESOURCES:
- Ask Dr, Michael Brown
- Family Research Council
- Prophecy News
- Truth about Islam
- Church Angel Directory
- National Day of Prayer
- Global Day of Prayer
- Ohio
- Glory of Zion Ministries - Chuck Pierce
- National Right to Life Pac
- Why show love to Homosexuals?
- Family Life
- Heart of God Ministries
- Sid Roth-
WHY USE FLAGS - By Carol DeSutter See Video below:

Click on Flag to see it enlarged.
I pledge allegiance to the Christian Flag
of the United States of America,
And to our LORD, who made her great
and free. I unify with all Christians to protect and proclaim the truth and
liberty of God.
Click Here> See VIDEO
Click on Flag to see it enlarged.
I pledge allegiance to the Christian Flag
of the United States of America,
And to our LORD, who made her great
and free. I unify with all Christians to protect and proclaim the truth and
liberty of God.
Click Here> See VIDEO
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from Israel and only
4 to 7 days to your door in USA...and more...
If you are a member ask about discount.
The founder and international director of Shofar Call International, Pastor Dennis McKirahan, on 11-10-2015 was appointed,
to Ohio Director
of The United States National Prayer Council, the Largest Network of Prayer Ministry Leaders in America.
*As of August 2016 Dennis is now the Global Director for USNPC SHOFAR PRAY MINISTRY.
*As of April 1, 2017 Pastor Dennis McKirahan is a Staff Member of United States National Prayer Council.
Hear the word of the Lord
released at Glory of Zion.
Prophecy given on: September 07, 2013 in Corinth, TX
by Chuck Pierce.
Hear the clock ticking, for the Lord says I
have now catapulted you into the three years ahead. And this day the dearest of My Months I say to You I am moving you against gates that have never been moved before. And I am causing those gates that have withstood you in the past to have to come loose so they open in days ahead! I say to you move strategically day by day and month by month until the gate that has held back your blessing opens up.